Starting May 1st only on our Facebook page will you find the ’12 Days of Mother’s Day’. These deals are posted each (business) day until Mother’s Day, which is May 13.
New by Clarisonic! Body Brush extension handle! April is all about Spring Cleaning! Get a free spa facial with Clarisonic Pro purchase!! Like us on facebook to get more great deals!!
Free Spa Facial with PURCHASE of NuFACE Facial Toning Device. NuFACE is a safe, easy to use, hand-held facial toning device that is clinically proven to stimulate and tone your facial muscles. The SPA FACIAL will cleanse, refine, massage and restore your skin.
On Wednesday, February 29, 2012, our doors are open for walk-in Botox! Come in enjoy refreshments, meet our new beloved surgeon, Dr. Yannis, get your Botox and be on your way w/get a special gift with Botox purchase! Times are 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm
Lattise 2 for $100 (while supplies last)
Spa facial, an indulgent pleasure, dull skin is cleansed, refined, massaged and restored to bring out your best. Professional makeup application Look your best for your special someone with a flawless, natural look. Sugar & Butter lip duo by Jane Iredale Oh-so-kissable lips are yours with this exfoliator / plumper combo.
We are proud to announce the arrival of Dr. Rex Yannis, who will expand our surgical facial rejuvenation services, adding to our portfolio of non-surgical treatments. Dr. Yannis will be accepting patients after January 16 – call today to schedule your consultation and let us be YOUR Fountain of Youth!
LIKE our facebook page to learn how you can get a diamond tip microderm for only $10! And in progress our 12 Days of Christmas from now until Christmas take advantage of FABULOUS DEALS – still to come: specials on Clarisonic, Nectifirm, ALL SKINCARE, Clear + Brillant Treatments and MORE!!
Be sure to LIKE our facebook page for all the latest tips and special fb only discounts! Starting December 8, 12 (business) days of Christmas begin, be sure to check out our page each day during this holiday season for fabulous discounts on products and/or services.
November is skincare education month. All month we will be focusing on the basics of a healthy skincare regimen. Join us on facebook for tips and specials!