Center for Facial Rejuvenation is now offering the BTL Vanquish ME and the Vanquish Flex applicator for an even more efficient form of non-invasive, no-downtime fat reduction. Chattanooga, TN – October 25, 2016 Center for Facial Rejuvenation is proud to announce that they are offering the latest and greatest version of the popular Vanquish fat reduction treatment: the Vanquish ME.…
What is Vanquish and how does it work? Vanquish is the latest FDA approved radio frequency device that melts the fat between the skin and the muscle layer. It heats it up to about 120 degrees and destroys the fat cell permanently. It’s a non-invasive non-surgical technology specifically designed to redefine your core. Vanquish vs. CoolSculpting, what’s the best? They…