Surf, sand, bikini, SUN…these are all words I think about when spring and summer roll around. Once the air starts to warm up and that breeze starts blowing, I can’t wait to head out to the pool or beach. Is it fun? Yes. Is it relaxing? Yes. Is being in the sun the healthiest thing you can do for your body? Not necessarily.
I am not saying to stay out of the sun entirely. We all love the feeling of basking in it. What I am saying is to take precaution, which is something I neglected to do growing up. I had several major sunburns over the course of my childhood and teen years. This was due to my being so ready to play and to get what I thought was a good tan that I neglected to make sure I was covered with a good SPF. To top it all off, during the fall and winter when I couldn’t lay out in the sun, I found myself laying in the tanning bed several days a week.
My personal consequences? I now have to take measures to reduce the appearance of pigment in my skin (i.e. brown and red spots). Thankfully, I have been blessed by working in the best medical aesthetics practice in the industry. I am constantly exposed to the latest science and technologies behind such treatments as skincare and lasers. Not only do I not lay in tanning beds anymore, I also wear a strong SPF, hat and sunglasses while being out in the sun.
I’m writing this in honor of skin cancer awareness month. So many people have been affected by this horrible disease without knowing that there are so many things that can be done to prevent it. First of all, make sure you are wearing some type of SPF at all times. You are always at the mercy of the sun, even while driving in the car. Secondly, maintain a good skin care regimen. Call us for a complimentary complexion analysis and consultation and let us customize a treatment plan just for you. And finally, make an investment in yourself. Take care of the body that you have been blessed with and it will take care of you. You are more than worth it.
-Paige Martin