Thank you to everyone who submitted an entry to Chattanooga’s Ultimate Makeover Contest, the response was amazing! It was a difficult decision as there was so many deserving candidates. In the end, Kelly Schroyer was chosen for her passion for serving others, her commitment to self-improvement and her entry written by Brandon her husband. Congratulations Kelly!

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I would love to win free Rasalin are Botox chemical peel my daughter’s getting married in October this year 2014 I’v never one nothing god knows how many applications I put in contest it would really be nice to win something so here It is I’m going to try 54 years old and I have a lot of wrinkles around my mouth everyone asked me if I smoked no It’s from losing teeth when I was small we were poor every time I got a toothache my dad would just take me to the Dent . And tell them to pull it out I don’t have a lot of teeth left but what I have I take good care of every time I got money I use it toward my three girls and there’s nothing more than I would like to do is look good for my daughter on her wedding day and be proud of me even though I know she is I like to look good just as pretty as she is going to look thank you very much and got my Fingers crossed and saying lots of prayers but I know things like this don’t just happen
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