June 4, 2015
Center for Facial Rejuvenation is seeking media partners interested in profiling the journey and transformation for the My Fair Lady Project of Chattanooga, TN.
The My Fair Lady Project is inspired by Medical Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner Cindy A. Wilson’s passion to give women who have faced adversity the opportunity to rebuild…both on the inside and the outside.
Center for Facial Rejuvenation is proud to partner with Chattanooga Room in the Inn and has selected a candidate who is ready for a transformation! Chattanooga Room in the Inn is a non-profit organization established in 1988 whose program is dedicated to women and their children who want to regain their independence with dignity and security by providing a safe haven during their transition.
The candidate will experience five-star customer service from our aesthetic and medical experts at Center for Facial Rejuvenation. Transformations include support from a team of “change agents,” including wellness counselors, life coaches, and hair and wardrobe stylists in the Chattanooga area. Hair Benders International and Sandy King Kramer, Life Coach/Mediator, are among our partners who our candidate has the pleasure of working with.
To follow the candidate’s transformation, her powerful story and physical journey will be documented and shared in the months to come.
To find out more about the inspiration behind the My Fair Lady Project of Chattanooga, TN continue reading below or contact us at 423-648-2035.
“The difference between a lady and a flower girl is not how she behaves, but how she is treated.”
– Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady
Life isn’t fair, and sometimes, despite our best intentions, we find life’s unfairness leaves our lives and ourselves in need of a transformation- the life upheaving, world moving, earth shattering kind of transformation.
Fortunately, new research supports what philosophers have long upheld about personal transformation: What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” Nietzsche, and, “When we are no longer able to change a circumstance, we change ourselves.” Victor Frankl.
Now, science says it too, our darkest hours can help us transform ourselves and our world in ways our former selves could not imagine.
A recent NY Times article explains the new studies this way: Patterns began to emerge in a follow-up study of more than 600 trauma survivors. People reported positive change in five areas: they had a renewed appreciation for life; they found new possibilities for themselves; they felt more personal strength; their relationships improved; and they felt spiritually more satisfied.
Women, in particular, may find it difficult to rebuild after unfair life circumstances. Rebuilding takes a support network, time to process and reinvent oneself, time to invest in self-care, and, as women, ways to reflect the inner change on the outside…so that the world around them sees the women they have worked hard to become.
Inspired by the grace and grit of Hepburn, The My Fair Lady Project is looking for women on the verge of a world-changing metamorphosis. This Project, sponsored by Center for Facial Rejuvenation, aims to give women who have faced adversity, the opportunity to rebuild…both on the inside and the outside.
Center for Facial Rejuvenation, is seeking women with stories of courage in the face of adversity. The Center wants to provide these women with a team of change agents to complete their journeys to new selves. Through life coaching, fitness training and nutritional counseling, mentoring sessions, and pampering and styling from Center for Facial Rejuvenation and their hairstyling partners, Hairbenders, women will have a hands on transformation. For all of the ladies who have faced life’s unfairness with grace and grit, this is the moment for them to finally realize they are all fair ladies.