Jawline Contouring without Liposuction with Kybella

Many women and men are frustrated by a less-than-defined jawline, also known as a “double chin”, and are looking for a non-invasive solution to achieve a more chiseled profile. When our clients have moderate to severe fat below the chin (submental fat), we often recommend the injectable Kybella to help reduce the appearance of the “second chin”.

The active ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of submental body fat.

When injected into the fat beneath the chin, Kybella causes the destruction of fat cells. Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat, and local collagen production increases. This is how clients get the jowl / jawline contour without liposuction!

At Center for Facial Rejuvenation, our Treat to Complete package (the full treatment!) of Kybella is $1,900. While retreatment with Kybella is not expected after a desired appearance is achieved, clients sometimes opt to use filler in the jawline, like Defyne, in addition to Kybella, to give optimal outcomes.

When it comes to jawline definition enhancements, choose our highly experienced team of skilled Injectors—their results speak for themselves!

Click here to see more before and after Kybella photos from CFR clients.
Call us today to start looking and feeling your best!

Kathy York, Nurse Practitioner Specialized in Medical Aesthetics
Kathy York is a Board Certified Nurse Practitioner at Center for Facial Rejuvenation specializing in Medical Aesthetics, including cosmetic BOTOX®, dermal fillers, and medical grade skincare. She brings over 8 years’ experience in Medical Aesthetics, and over 29 years’ experience in Critical Care Nursing with advanced BOTOX® and dermal filler training with the Esthetic Skin Institute.
Kathy received her Masters’ degree in Nursing from Southern Adventist University in 2013, receiving recognition from her professors with the Florence Oliver Anderson Award for “Outstanding Achievement”.
“For so long, society has perpetuated the idea that youth is the only answer, and that a woman’s worth is directly tied to her age. But advances in nutrition, healthcare and medicine mean people live longer, healthier lives. While we can’t stop the aging process, I love to have conversations with women about aging gracefully and with dignity. Research has shown a direct correlation between body image and psychological well-being, and it is my belief that women can be more confident and look more beautiful as we age!”