Microneedling Treatment 101:
Microneedling is exactly what it sounds like: a hand-held device inserts very fine, short needles that puncture the skin. This stimulates collagen and skin tissue production for smoother, firmer, and more toned skin. These punctures are only surface-level deep but the results are amazing and often show improved complexion and glow in a couple of weeks.
The microneedling treatment is minimally invasive, virtually painless and doesn’t require any downtime.
First, your licensed aesthetician will discuss your skin goals with you and will develop their plan of action to help you achieve the look you want. Then, a topical numbing cream will be applied to the area, making the procedure virtually painless. Then, they’ll start the treatment! All together, the process takes about an hour.
After treatment, clients can experience minor redness, irritation and dryness for a few days. Consider purchasing a physical based sunscreen for post care, which our center offers.
During the treatment, clients may choose to have Growth Factor serum applied. “Growth Factors are one of the best active ingredients for total skin rejuvenation” says Christie Dean. “Growth factors essentially communicate with your cells, prompting them to generate more collagen and elastin, which keep skin smooth and firm for a healthy, youthful glow.”
Microneedling Benefits:
After the treatment, many of our clients experience a more youthful, radiant glow as well as a supple plumpness.
When in a microneedling series, clients typically achieve a reduction in their fine lines, crow’s feet and wrinkles. Those who have acne scars and sun damage or discoloration will see visible improvement and a more even complexion. Pore size is also reduced as the collagen causes them to plump and appear shrunken.
According to a study conducted in 2008, participants whose skin was treated with four microneedling sessions spaced one month apart produced up to a 400% increase in collagen and elastin six months after completing their treatment.
“Typically I recommend microneedling to my clients who are in good health and are looking to restore their youthful skin complexion. Also clients who are looking to improve slight scarring (often due to acne or aging), minimize pore size, or those looking to minimize fine lines” says Christie Dean. “While I do not recommend this procedure for those clients who have had radiation therapy or are pregnant/nursing, I encourage those interested to come in for a free consultation to see if microneedling is right for them.”
If you are struggling with acne scaring, sun damage, uneven complexion, fine lines, wrinkles, and skin that isn’t as tight as it used to be (to name a few), come in for a complimentary consultation and let’s put a treatment plan together for you!
Christie Dean, Licensed Aesthetician & Laser Specialist
Christie Dean has an extensive background in management and television and is a licensed Aesthetician who graduated at the top of her class. Christie sees the beauty in every client and cherishes the opportunity to help them achieve their results. She has extensive training in IPL lasers, Chemical Peels, Vanquish, Microneedling and Acne Facials. She has a wide range of knowledge and understanding of skincare products to target acne and melasma and has a true passion for the aesthetic industry.
Melody Richt CPCP, Licensed Aesthetician & Laser Specialist
Melody Richt joined the Center for Facial Rejuvenation in January 2009. Melody is a nationally licensed and board certified Micropigmentation Artist as well as a licensed Aesthetician. Melody received extensive formal training from The Southern Institute of Permanent Cosmetics. She holds a fellowship with the American Academy of Micropigmentation. She brings with her over 30 years of artistry experience.
In the Center for Facial Rejuvenation, Melody will offer permanent cosmetics, para-medical restoration, skin discoloration camouflage, make-up and skin care consultation, chemical facial treatments, microdermabrasion, laser hair removal treatments, and fractional resurfacing with Fraxel re:store Laser System and Thermage.