Mother’s Day at CFR

We love Mother’s Day at CFR! This special Holiday highlights what we already believe about all women and that is they are special. Each week we start our team meetings with heart-warming notes or stories about the women’s lives we touched. We are thrilled when someone walks in our door with a desire to know more about looking and feeling beautiful, because we know we have an opportunity to change her life.

Having worked in Women’s Health for almost 10 years, I am well acquainted with the struggles women face. My greatest passion is equipping women with knowledge that will make a difference in their life. For years Beauty has been misrepresented from the “photoshop” illusions of Hollywood and completely dismissed by our feminist friends, yet beauty remains. Scientists tell us beauty is in our DNA, that our survival depended on attractiveness for populating the earth.  Even now we are much more primal than we realize.
To look beautiful in and of itself is useless, like a work of art hanging in grand museum for others to admire and then walk away only to forget. But to feel beautiful will create power and energy that will attract others and influence their path forever. Although beauty can be a mystery, it is deeply interwoven with confidence. A confident person is more likely to positively persuade and influence those in her circle. There is power in beauty not to be overlooked.

This Mother’s Day let’s focus on what makes us feel beautiful as women…..

  •             A warm bath with exquisite bath salts
  •             A Mani/Pedi with your BFFs
  •             A new outfit that shows off your best feature
  •             Spending time with a hobby/passion

What is it that makes you feel beautiful?

As females we long for love, companionship and to feel beautiful no matter what our age. When a woman feels beautiful her power is limitless.