Facial Fat Transfers

Contact Center for Facial Rejuvenation today to schedule your consultation and become one step closer to radiant, healthier looking skin.

What to Expect

Microlipoinjection , also called autologous fat transfer, is a procedure in which an individual’s own body fat is used to plump up sunken or emaciated areas of the face or to add volume where desired. The word “autologous” simply refers to the use of one’s own tissues or fat.

Autologous fat transfer requires just three steps.

The gentle liposuction of some excess fat (such as that found in the jowls, abdomen, thighs, or buttocks).
Isolation and cleansing of the fat cells before placing it into the targeted areas
The final step involves the injection of the fat cells into the targeted facial areas (i.e., the fat cell transplantation).

After Facial Fat Transfers

  • Do not remove compression garment or foam padding.  You may need to change the dressing over the incision sites every few hours.  As there may be drainage through the dressings, consider purchasing a plastic sheet or shower curtain to protect your mattress.
  • You may take two, Extra Strength Tylenol every 4-6 hours for the first week following your surgery.  For more severe pain, you may take the pain medication prescribed to you by Dr. Yannis.  Do not take pain medication on an empty stomach.
  • After seeing Dr. Yannis the day after your surgery, you may take a shower.  Do not soak in the bath for 2 weeks.  Do not go in a pool, hot tub, or lake for 3 weeks.
  • DO NOT ICE the treated areas.  This can impair circulation and cause tissue necrosis.
  • During the first week following your procedure, DO NOT LAY FLAT.  Keep your head elevated above your heart while both awake and asleep.
  • Refrain from physical work or exercise for 7-10 Days following your procedure.  Avoid any activities or motions that will cause blood to rush to your head, like lifting or bending over.

If you have any unexpected questions or concerns, please call the office immediately, (423) 508-7337.